How to Avoid a Dog Attack When Running

While dogs can make great running partners, there may be times during a run when you encounter an aggressive or overly-friendly dog. Dogs can be very territorial and their prey instinct is triggered by fast movement, so runners can catch their attention. Even when a dog seems friendly, if the owner isn’t around, it’s best not to approach it.

Follow these tips for how to handle dogs on the run and how to avoid to a dog attack when running.

  • Stay alert so you can see dogs ahead of you. If you spot an unleashed dog a block or more ahead of you, be prepared to change your route or turn around. Don’t approach a dog that is barking, growling, snarling, sleeping, eating, or nursing her pups.
  • Avoid petting a strange dog. Even if the dog appears friendly, don’t pet it without permission from the owner.
  • Don’t make eye contact with the dog. If it sees you staring at it, it might see that as a threat or challenge, and it can trigger an aggressive response.
  • Remain calm and speak in a low, calming voice. Make sure your body language is nonthreatening and refrain from making sudden movements.
  • If you’re running and see a dog, turn and walk in the opposite direction or across the street. You won’t seem as interesting to the dog if you’re walking. Also, the dog won’t think you’re trying to invade his territory if you’re heading in the opposite direction. Don’t turn around and look back.
  • Do not run. Running away could trigger a dog’s prey drive and cause the animal to attack you.
  • If the dog approaches you, stop and stand very still. Don’t yell or make any sudden movements. In a firm, but calm voice, say, “Go home,” “Sit” or “No”.
  • Put an object such as a tree, post, or bench between you and the dog.
  • If the dog tries to jump on you, turn to the side and push it off with your forearm.
  • If you’re attacked by the dog, curl up in a ball and protect your face, neck, and head.
  • If you keep encountering the same aggressive dog, find a new running route. You can also file a report with your local animal control.
  • You may also want to carry pepper spray. It can be used to deter aggressive dogs, and it is a good safety measure to carry when walking in a neighborhood with a lot of dogs.

Also see: Running Safety Tips