Runners spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, so it’s important that we take steps to protect our skin from the sun. Shielding your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can help you prevent skin cancer, sunburns, premature aging, and other types of sun damage. Follow these tips to protect your skin from the sun when running outside.
Run early or late
Try to avoid running between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s intensity is at its greatest. If you must run outside during those hours, try to stick to shady roads or trails.
Choose the right sunscreen
Use a waterproof and sweat-proof sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 15 and offers broad spectrum protection, which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
Stick formulations such as Neutrogena’s Ultra Sheer Face and Body Stick are good for runners’ faces because the sunscreen won’t run into and burn your eyes.
Put on your sunscreen ahead of time.
Slather on your sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you head out for your run. Your skin needs time to absorb the lotion.
Wear a visor or hat with a brim
A running visor or hat will give your face extra protection. (Although you’ll still need sunscreen on your face.) It will also help absorb sweat, so the sunscreen doesn’t run into your eyes. Headsweat visors are an excellent option because they provide shade, don’t make you overheat, and also help mop up sweat.
Related: Summer Running Essentials
Don’t skip sunscreen for short runs
You can get a sunburn in as little as 15 minutes, so don’t think doing a short run means you don’t need sunscreen. Take the time the apply to save the sunburn pain and other effects later.
Reapply after two hours
Sunscreen starts to lose effectiveness at about the two-hour mark, or even sooner if you’re sweating heavily, so you’ll need to reapply if you’re doing a long run or race.
Carry a small tube of sunscreen or a one-use, sunscreen wipe in your pocket, so that you can reapply it to your face, neck and arms as you run. Or, make a plan to stop back at your house or car to reapply. During long races such as marathons, you can usually find sunscreen on the course at the medical stations.
Put on sunscreen before getting dressed
Make sure you cover areas of your body that you assume may be protected. Some summer running clothes are made of mesh or very thin fabric, so they might not provide protection from the sun’s rays. Also, your clothes move when you run (or, if you get hot, you may choose to take off some clothes, like your shirt). So it’s best to make sure you’re fully covered with sunscreen.
Get running clothes with UV-protective coating
Some running clothes have a special UV-protection coating to provide protection against harmful ultraviolet rays. Looks for clothes with a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 50+ for the best sun protection.
Wear shades
A good pair of UV-blocking running sunglasses give your face more protection and also help protect your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays.
More Advice for Hot Weather Running
- Proper Hydration for Running
- How to Dress for Hot Weather Running
- Tips for Training for a Marathon in Hot Weather
I often run at weekends and spend lots of time in the sun. Thanks for the guide.