When running by yourself, it’s important to take safety precautions and to also have plenty of strategies for beating boredom. Here are some expert safety and motivation tips for running alone.
How to Stay Safe During Solo Runs
Common sense is key when running solo. Follow these essential tips to stay safe.
Let someone know where you’re running
Before you head out for your run, make sure you let someone else know where you’re running. Also tell them approximately how long you’ll be running for. If you’re not back when expected, they’ll know where to look for you.
Carry identification
Put your driver’s license and your medical insurance card (in case you get injured) in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe.
If you’re wearing an ID tag or bracelet, make sure it has an emergency contact number on it. Whenever possible, try to run with your cell phone, and save your ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers.
Be visible
It’s best to run during daylight hours but, if you have to run in low-light conditions, make sure you’re visible. Wear white, yellow, or orange clothes if you’re running in the early morning or at night, even at dusk or in rainy weather.
Also, make sure you have reflective gear on. Although some items (running shoes, jackets) already have reflective pieces on them, it doesn’t hurt to add more.
Stick to familiar, populated routes
Running alone is not the time to try out a new, unfamiliar running route or an isolated trail.
Stick to running routes in your neighborhood or local park that you know very well, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost or risk putting yourself in an unsafe situation. If you run in a park, run during peak exercise hours, so you know they’ll be lots of people around.
Limit your distractions
It can be tough to run without music, but cutting off your awareness and sense of hearing means you can’t hear oncoming cars, cyclists yelling to move, dogs, or other threats.
If you really can’t run without music or something else to listen to, keep the volume low and one earbud out.
Be aware
Pay attention to your surroundings and what’s around you so you know where to go if you did need help. If you let your mind wander too much, you may find yourself running into an unsafe area.
Read more: Running Safety Tips
How to Stay Motivated When Running Alone
Getting motivated to start and keep running can be harder when running by yourself. Here some ways to shake up your running routine and keep going.
Set goals for every run
Whether your goal is to increase your distance, improve your speed, or simply stay in the moment and enjoy your run, having a specific target in mind will help you push yourself further and stay committed to your solo run.
Setting goals not only provides you with a sense of direction and purpose, but it also allows you to track your improvement over time.
Try some self-talk
If you’re running alone and struggling, give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself that you’re not physically tired — you’re just mentally fatigued and you can push through it.
Say to yourself things like, “I’ll have some water in five minutes — that will make me feel better.” You may want to keep repeating a running mantra, like, “Think strong! Be strong!”
If you’re doing your longest run ever, remind yourself how proud you’ll feel when you’re finished.
Read More: How Runners Can Use Positive Self-Talk
Use mental strategies and mind games
Arm yourself with different mental tricks and games to keep your mind occupied and help you stay motivated to continue running. Here’s a game to try: Pick out a specific article of clothing, such as black running shorts, to look for during your run. Then count how many runners you see wearing that piece of clothing.
Read more: Mind Games for Long Runs and Races
Mix it up with a random interval workout
Try doing a fun interval workout. Pick a landmark in the distance, such as a tree or a stop sign, and pick up the pace until you get to it. After you recover at an easy pace for a minute or two, choose another landmark and then speed up again.
Read more: Ways to Prevent Boredom When Running
More Ways to Bust Boredom While Running
- 30-Minute Run Workouts to Beat Boredom and Burn Calories
- Hill Workouts to Build Strength and Speed
- How to Be a Resilient Runner
- How to Boost Your Mood When Running
Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.

Self-talking is really helpful while running especially the kind of mantra that you have shared. You can also add using a mask (for the current situation).
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