Summer Running Bucket List

summer running bucket list

For the past several years, my family has written a “Summer Bucket List” of fun activities we’d like to do during the summer months. We include big events like Beach Vacation or Trip to Hershey Park, as well as standard, summertime activities such as make s’mores, water balloon fight, eat ice cream for dinner, and watch an outdoor movie. My kids get a kick out of seeing all the checkmarks at the end of the summer, remembering all the fun that we had.

Summer’s a great time for outdoor running, with lots of races happening, more favorable weather, and more hours of daylight. I started thinking that having a similar summer bucket list for fun running activities or goals would definitely keep me motivated and prevent me from succumbing to the “lazy days of summer” syndrome.

Many runners’ bucket lists contain specific races that they want to run, but this one focuses on ideas for adding more fun to your running this summer. Pick the ones you like best and then add some more that are specific to your local area, interests, and summer plans. Post your list somewhere prominent, and then start checking things off!

Summer Running Bucket List

  • Run on the beach (with or without shoes)
  • Do some trail running
  • Run over a bridge
  • Run near a lake or pond
  • Run a 5K with a friend – just for fun!
  • Have a water balloon relay race
  • Run to get ice pops at a local store
  • Go for a run with a kid (your own or a relative’s/friend’s)
  • Plan a running challenge, such as running a “marathon” in a month
  • Run two races in one weekend (two 5Ks count!)
  • Run to local tag sales or lemonade stands
  • Do an early morning run to beat the heat
  • Do your own duathlon – run and then bike or swim right after
  • Try water running
  • Run up a mountain (or a hill)
  • Run in the rain
  • Run with a dog (your own or borrow a friend’s)
  • Complete a 7-day running streak
  • Run in a local race while on vacation
  • Do a track workout at the local high school
  • Run to a local (or friend’s) pool and then go for a swim
  • Run to an ice cream shop (or truck) with your kids, and get ice cream (of course!)
  • Play a running game like Sharks & Minnows with your kids
  • Run some new routes while on vacation
  • Run barefoot in the grass

More Summer Running Tips

Running coach, marathon runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.