How to Train for and Run a Half Marathon

how to train for and run a half marathon

The half marathon is one hot distance, and as the 13.1-mile race becomes more popular, it’s getting easier to find one near you.  Below, get tips, strategies, training schedules, and everything you need to know to train for and run a half marathon.

Why Run A Half Marathon?

People run half marathon races for different reasons. Some of the most common include:

  • They’ve already run a 5K or 10K and want to challenge themselves even more.
  • They want to see what it feels like to train for and run an endurance event.
  • They eventually want to run a marathon (double the distance at 26.2 miles), but want to see what it feels like try a shorter distance first.
  • They’re training for a full marathon and want to evaluate their fitness level.
  • They want to beat their personal record.

What’s Involved in Training for and Running a Half Marathon Race?

For beginner runners, running 13.1 miles can feel extremely intimidating. Before you decide to take on the half marathon distance, it’s probably best that you train for and run a shorter race, such as a 5K or 10K.

After that, you’ll probably feel more physically and mentally prepared to run a half marathon.

The training period for a half marathon depends on your running base before you get started. To start a training plan, you should be running for about two months and have a mileage base of 8 miles per week.

With that type of training base, you can train for a half marathon in 12 weeks. More advanced runners can train for a half marathon in 8 to 10 weeks.

The training for a half marathon requires that you run at least three days a week, with one of those runs being your long training run. Your long run will gradually increase during the training, topping out at 10 to 12 miles (for beginners).

Read More: How Long Will It Take Me to Complete a Half Marathon?

How to Find a Half Marathon

You’ll have to decide whether you want to run a big or small half marathon, and if you want to travel to a fun location or stay close to home. Get listings and reviews of half marathons all over the U.S. and the world at sites like and

Read more: Best Half Marathons in the U.S. for Beginners

Half Marathon Training for Beginners

Many beginner runners choose the half marathon distance because the training is not as time-consuming as a full marathon, but it’s still a race distance with a lot of bragging rights.

If you’re fairly new to running and want to train for a half marathon, here are a couple of half-marathon training programs:

Run/Walk Half Marathon Schedule: This 12-week half marathon training program is perfect for beginners who want to run/walk a half marathon. To start this plan, you should have been run/walking for at least two months and should have a base mileage of about 8-10 miles per week.

Half Marathon Training Schedule for BeginnersThis 12-week training schedule is designed for beginner runners who want to get to the finish line of a half marathon race. It assumes that you already run at least eight miles per week.

If you’ve never run before, follow this step-by-step plan for building a running base before you start with the half marathon schedule.

Half Marathon Training for Intermediate and Advanced Runners

8-Week Half Marathon Training Schedule: This 8-week half marathon training schedule that will help you race it to your full potential.

3 Day a Week Half Marathon Training Schedule: This 12-week half marathon schedule is perfect for busy runners who want to train for a half and possibly even improve their time. It’s based on three specific runs each week: a tempo run, an interval run, and a long run.

12-Week Half Marathon Training Schedule for Intermediate RunnersThis 12-week intermediate training schedule can help you run your fastest half marathon.

Half Marathon Training Schedule for Advanced RunnersBefore you start this 12-week half marathon training schedule, you need to be able to run 8 miles comfortably and be able to run 4 to 5 days a week.

Half Marathon Training Tips

13 Tips for Running Your First Half MarathonGet tips for running a successful first half marathon.

13 Things to Know Before Running a Half Marathon: Here are 13 things to know about training for and running a half marathon, so you can look like a seasoned racer.

Tips to Make Long Runs EasierFollow these tips to make your runs easier and more comfortable, and get you prepared for race day.

What Should I Eat During My Long Runs?Fueling with carbs during your longer runs will prevent you from running out of energy and help boost your performance. Find out what and when to eat during long runs.

Mental Tips for Your Long RunsLong-distance running can be as much a mental challenge as it is a physical test of strength and fitness. Follow these tips to help win the mental battle while running.

Half Marathon Race Preparations

Racing EtiquetteTo avoid annoying fellow runners, stick to these etiquette guidelines when running in races.

13 Mistakes Half Marathoners Should AvoidHere are some of the most common half marathon training and racing mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Mental Tips for Your Half Marathon: Running a half marathon tests your mental strength as much as it does your physical fitness. Each part of the half marathon has different mental battles. Here are some tips on how to win the challenges throughout the half marathon and run a successful race.

What to Do the Day Before Running a Half Marathon: What you do during the day before your half marathon can make or break your race. Follow this advice to avoid making mistakes that will cost you time or cause discomfort during your half marathon.

8 Tips to Run Your Best Half Marathon: Get advice on how to run your best race.

How to Take Water from Hydration StopsMake sure you know how to take and drink the water. You’ll save time when running through the water stops in your half marathon.

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.