Getting ready for a half marathon? If you’re hoping to run your best half marathon, here are some tips to take your training to the next level.
1. Run with others.
Running with a group will not only boost your motivation (who wants to flake out on friends who are counting on you to show up for a run?), but you’ll also likely to improve your performance. The group motivation will help you stick to your training schedule.
And when you’re running with others who are encouraging you to run faster and harder, it’s easier to take it to the next level. If you haven’t found a group that challenges you, check in with your and running specialty store or ask running friends for recommendations.
Also see:
How to Find a Running Group
How to Behave During Group Running
2. Give yourself rest days.
You may assume training hard and fast every day will lead to faster race times, but that’s not the case. Rest days and easy runs have a specific purpose as part of an overall training plan.
Giving your body a break from the stress of running can reduce your risk of overuse injuries, such as shin splints. It’s also good to take a mental break from running, so you don’t lose your running mojo and get bored.
3. Do some speed work.
Doing speed work once or twice a week can help improve your speed, strength, and confidence. Here are three workouts that you can rotate into your half marathon training. The first two can be done on a track or treadmill so you’re able to accurately track the distance:
800m (half-mile) Repeats
10 minute warm-up (easy jog)
800m @ 10K race pace
1 minute easy recovery
Repeat 800m @ 5K race pace/1 minute recovery 4 more times
5 minute cool-down
Mile Repeats
10 minute warm-up (easy jog)
1 mile @ 10K race pace
1 minute easy recovery
Repeat 1 mile @ 10K race pace/1 minute easy recovery 2 more times
5 minute cool-down
Hill repeats
10 minute warm-up (easy jog)
Run uphill (100-200 meters) @ 10K race pace
Recover easy jog downhill
Repeat 5 times (add one more hill per week)
5 minute cool-down
4. Do a training race.
Just like actors getting ready for a big show, it always help to do a “dress rehearsal” work out all the pre-race jitters and practice your race day routine. Pick a 5K or 10K a few weeks before your half marathon and use it as an opportunity to practice everything you’ll do on race day.
5. Work on your mental training.
Running your best is not just about training your body –- you also need to train your mind so you’ll be prepared for the inevitable rough patches that happen during training and racing.
Also see:
- The Power of Positive Thinking
- 5 Ways to Boost Your Mood During a Run
- 5 Mental Tricks to Keep You Running
- Mind Games for Long Runs and Races
6. Finish strong during some long runs.
Picking up the pace for the last few miles of your long runs is good practice for race day conditions and it all improve your endurance. Try picking up your long run pace by about 20-30 seconds for the last few miles.
Also see:
Tips for Finishing Stronger and Faster in Races
7. Have a race plan.
It helps to figure out a plan for your race, to avoid going out too fast or not racing to your full potential. Here’s how you can predict your half marathon time, based on a recent race time.
Once you figure out your average pace for your goal time, you may have to use a pace bracelet or pace tat to determine what your splits should be at each mile.
Keep in mind that changes in elevation or conditions on the course may lead you to run uneven splits. And some runners prefer to run a negative split for half marathons, where they run the first half of the race a bit slower than the second half.
Of course, even when you have a plan, it’s important to keep it flexible. You may end up feeling better or worse than you expected and may have to throw the race plan out the window at a certain point.
8. Race smart.
It’s possible to shave some seconds or maybe even minutes off your finishing time with smart racing strategies, such as making sure you don’t start out too fast. Try some of these strategies for running faster races.
More About Half Marathons
- 10 Reasons to Love Half Marathons
- 3 Day a Week Half Marathon Schedule
- Half Marathon Packing List
- Mental Tips for Half Marathon Running
About the author: Christine Luff is a certified RRCA running coach, and certified as a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, youth fitness specialist, and a weight management specialist by the American Council on Exercise. She coaches runners of all levels, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons. Her book, Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, is available on Amazon.