17 Signs You Love Running

Whether it’s the thrill of crossing a finish line, the euphoric feeling you get when you’ve completed a long run or crushed a workout, or the camaraderie you feel when surrounded by fellow runners, there’s just something about running that makes you head over heels in love with the sport.

How do you know if you’re crazy about running?  See how many of these signs you can relate to.

1. If you don’t have a time for a run, you find yourself a bad mood by the end of the day.

2. You get more excited to shop for running clothes than you do for regular clothes.

3. Your vacations somehow revolve around running – you’re either vacationing at your race destination or planning travel around your training plans.

4. You bought a pair of ugly running shoes because you know they’re the best ones for your gait/running style.

5. You dread getting up early for work or school, but you excitedly pop out of bed for a run or race.

6. You’ve cried when you crossed a finish line.

7. If you overhear complete strangers talking about running, you somehow manage to work yourself into their conversation.

8. You’ve used a vacation day because you need to fit in a long run.

9. You get jealous when you’re driving and you pass someone running on the road.

10. When checking into a hotel, the first thing you ask about is recommendations for running routes.

11. You can’t remember family members’ birthdays, but you know your PRs for 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon.

12. When you get stuck in traffic, you look out the window thinking, “I could run faster than this.”

13. You get excited when you see an email saying that your race photos are now posted.

14. After a race, you first check to see if the online results are posted and then search for your next race.

15. You’ve watched a marathon on TV. And got choked up watching the winners.

16. Whenever you go to cheer for a friend or family member at a race, you wish you had signed up for it.

17. You’ve gotten into a fight with a doctor or physical therapist about when you should be allowed to run again.

More Ways to Love Running

Not feeling the love right now? Here are some ways you can revive your fondness for running:

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.

love running