How to Treat and Prevent Dehydration and Heat Cramps During Runs

prevent dehydration

If you don’t hydrate properly before, during, and after your run, you may be at risk for heat-related illnesses and issues such as dehydration and heat cramps. Here are the symptoms to look out for and how to prevent dehydration and heat cramps.

Symptoms and Causes of Dehydration

Early signs of dehydration include increased thirst; nausea; dry mouth; headache; reduced urine output, with dark yellow urine. Symptoms of moderate dehydration include extreme thirst; dry appearance inside the mouth; decreased urination, or lightheadedness. Serious dehydration can lead to cramps, chills and disorientation.

Dehydration is usually a result of not drinking enough to replenish water excreted through sweating, breathing, and eliminating waste.

How to Prevent Dehydration

The easiest way to avoid heat disorders such as dehydration is to keep your body hydrated. This means drinking fluids before, during, and after exercise.

The current fluid recommendations for runners say that they should “obey your thirst” and drink when their mouth is dry and they feel the need to drink. Drink before workouts and make sure you have access to fluids if exercising longer than 30 minutes.

During runs longer than 90 minutes, some of your fluid intake should include a sports drink (like Gatorade) to replace lost salt and other minerals (electrolytes).

Related: What to Drink and Eat Before a Long Run

Treatment of Dehydration

The only effective treatment for dehydration is to replace lost fluids. You should keep drinking fluids until you urinate. If your urine is a light lemonade color, that means you’re re-hydrated. If it’s a dark yellow, keep drinking.

Someone who is severely dehydrated may need intravenous hydration, which can give them water and essential nutrients faster than drinking.

How to Prevent and Treat Heat Cramps

Heat cramps are painful, involuntary muscle spasms that usually occur during intense exercise in a hot climate. Symptoms include muscle cramps and/or spasms, heavy sweating, and normal body temperature.

Heat cramps may happen in any muscle group involved in exercise, but the most commonly affected muscles are calves, arms, abs, and back. They’re usually a result of sweating excessively and losing electrolytes.

How to Prevent Heat Cramps

The easiest way to avoid heat disorders is to keep your body hydrated by drinking fluids before, during, and after exercise. The body’s fluid needs vary with exertion, weather, terrain, and other factors.

Fluid recommendations for runners say that they should “obey your thirst” and drink when their mouth is dry and they feel the need to drink. Drink before workouts and make sure you have access to fluids if exercising more than 30 minutes.

During longer workouts (90 minutes or more), some of your fluid intake should include a sports drink (like Gatorade or Nuun tablets) to replace lost sodium and other minerals (electrolytes)

How to Treat Heat Cramps

Here’s what to do if you’re suffering from heat cramps:

  • Stop running immediately and drink fluids (especially a sports drink to replace electrolytes).
  • Get inside or at least in the shade and try cooling your body with cold water and wet towels.
  • Gently massage the affected area.
  • Contact your doctor if your cramps don’t go away within an hour.

More About Hot Weather Running

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.