Half Marathon Spectator Sign Ideas

half marathon spectator signs

Half marathon runners love to read signs as they cover the 13.1-mile race distance. They break up the monotony, provide inspiration, and give them a reason to laugh when they may be feeling some pain or fatigue. Plus, signs can keep the crowd of spectators motivated to cheer for the half marathoners. Here are some inspirational and funny quotes for half marathon signs:

  • “WTF: Where’s The Finish?”
  • “You’re not a runner. You’re a half marathoner!”
  • “You thought they said RUM, didn’t you?”
  • “Most people won’t drive 13.1 miles today”
  • “Why do all the cute ones run away?”
  • “My hot wife is running 13.1 miles!”
  • “Don’t stop running! People are watching!”
  • “Warning!  Awesome sense of accomplishment ahead!”
  • “Smile! Remember you paid to do this”
  • “Tired legs are sexy!”
  • “You’re 13.1% crazy for doing this!”
  • “Run! 50% off gear if you make it under 2 hours!”
  • “13.1 miles!  Because you’re only half crazy!”
  • “You’re a machine!”
  • “I only came to check you out as you run by!”
  • “$150 for a half marathon!  Smile – only $23.07 to go!”
  • “There’s only sweat between you and the finish line!”
  • “On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 13.1!”
  • “13.1 reasons to brag!”
  • “Trust your training!”
  • “Pain is temporary – pride is forever!”
  • “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!”
  • “Run like your phone battery is at 1%!”
  • “13.1 and done!”
  • “Run like your ex is chasing you!”
  • “Your feet hurt because you’re kicking so much butt!”
  • “You run better than the government!”
  • “This is your victory lap!”

How to Make a Half Marathon Sign

You don’t need to be super creative or artistic to make a fantastic half marathon sign.  Get some poster board or foam board and use thick markers to write out your quote.

Make the letters as legible and big as you can, given the size of the poster. Remember that the runners will be quickly glancing at your sign, so you want to make sure that they can read it easily.

More Ideas for Half Marathon Signs:

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.