8-Week Advanced 10K Training Schedule

8 week advanced 10K training schedule

This 8-week advanced 10K training schedule is for experienced runners who want to improve their 10K race performance. To follow this 10K training schedule (see schedule below), you should be able to run 6 miles comfortably and run 5 days a week.

If this schedule seems too tough for you, here are some intermediate 10K schedules to try:

Types of Runs and Workouts on the Schedule

Cross-training (CT): Cross-training activities allow you to give your joints and running muscles a break, while still working on your cardio. When the schedule calls for CT, do a cross-training activity (e.g., biking, swimming, elliptical trainer) at moderate effort for 45 to 60 minutes.

You should also do 15 to 20 minutes of strength-training, either using machines or body weight exercises, focusing on your lower body and core. You can do another 15 to 20-minute strengthening session on Day 3, when you do an easy paced run.

Tempo Run (TR): Start your run with 5 to 10 minutes of easy running, then continue with 15 to 20 minutes of running near your 10K pace (but not at race pace), and finish with 5 to 10 minutes of cooling down. If you’re not sure what your 10K pace is, run at a pace that feels “comfortably hard”.

Hill repeats:  To do hill repeats, pick a hill about 200 to 400 meters long that isn’t too steep. Try to run up at your 10K race effort. Recover down the hill at an easy pace.

Interval workouts (IW): After a 5 to 10-minute warm-up, run 400 meters (one lap around most tracks) at your 5K race pace, and then recover by jogging or walking 400 meters. So when the schedule says, 4 x 400, that would be four 400s at 5K pace, with a 400 m recovery in between.

For 800 meter (2 laps around most tracks) workouts, run 800 meter at your 10K race pace, and then recover by jogging or walking 400 meters.

Rest: Rest is critical to your recovery and injury prevention efforts, so don’t ignore rest days. Your muscles build and repair themselves during your rest days. So if you run every day, you won’t see much improvement and you’ll increase your injury risk.

Easy Pace (EP) Runs: After you warm up, run at a comfortable pace for the designated mileage. Your long runs (LR) should also be done at this pace.

8-Week 10K Advanced Training Schedule

Week 1

Day 1: CT or Rest
Day 2: 4 x 400 IW
Day 3: 3 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 35 min TR (15 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 6 mile LR
Day 7: 30 min EP

Week 2

Day 1: CT or Rest
Day 2: 4 x 800 IW
Day 3: 4 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 40 min TR (15 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 7 mile LR
Day 7: 35 min EP

Week 3

Day 1: CT
Day 2: 6 x 400 IW
Day 3: 4 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 6 x hill repeats
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 8 mile LR
Day 7: 35 min EP

Week 4

Day 1: CT or Rest
Day 2: 6 x 800 IW
Day 3: 4 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 40 min TR (20 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 9 mile LR
Day 7: 40 min EP

Week 5

Day 1: CT
Day 2: 8 x hill repeats
Day 3: 5 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 45 min TR (20 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 6 mile LR
Day 7: 40 min EP

Week 6

Day 1: CT
Day 2: 6 x 800 IW
Day 3: 5 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 40 min TR (20 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 8 mile LR
Day 7: 45 min EP

Week 7

Day 1: CT or Rest
Day 2: 6 x 400 IW
Day 3: 4 mile EP + strength
Day 4: 40 min TR (20 min @ tempo pace)
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: 8 mile LR
Day 7: 45 min EP

Week 8

Day 1: CT or Rest
Day 2: 5 mile EP
Day 3: 30 min TR (15 min @ tempo pace)
Day 4: 3 mile EP
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: 10K Race!

More 10K Racing Advice:

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.