I recently saw a runner’s T-shirt that said, “Running is a mental sport. We’re all insane!” Obviously it was meant to be funny, but the first part of the quote is certainly true.
Whether you’re on the dreadmill, doing a long run, or running a race, you’ll most likely have those moments when you feel like you have nothing left mentally.
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Mind over matter,” but of course that’s easier said than done. To make it work, you need to have an action plan for winning the mental battle.
It’s important to have several strategies that are ready to go when you’re struggling. (You may find some of them also work in non-running situations!) Try some of these mental running tricks to push through the rough patches.
1. Use a running mantra.
Pick a short motivational phrase that really gets you pumped and keep repeating it to yourself (or out loud, if you don’t mind some curious looks).
Mantras really come in handy when you’re dealing with some discomfort during a race or facing a monster hill on a training run. One of my favorites: “Dig deep.”
Always try to keep your running mantras positive. For instance, don’t tell yourself, “Don’t stop!” because your mind might focus on the word “stop” and tell your body to do just that. Instead say something like, “Keep it going!” Get more suggestions for running mantras.
2. Count your stride turnover.
Something as simple as counting can be the perfect distraction. Tally how many times one foot hits the ground in a minute, then double that number to get your stride count.
Do several stride counts during your run and see if you can improve your efficiency (the more strides, the better). An efficient stride count is 180 steps per minute – see how close you can get to that cadence. If you want to work on it, get tips on improving your stride turnover (and more running form advice).
If you don’t want to count strides, focusing on your breath can help distract your mind from the fatigue. Try to establish a rhythmic breathing pattern, such as inhaling for three steps and exhaling for two. By concentrating on your breath, you’ll also reduce the feeling of panic or overwhelming fatigue that can come with pushing through a long run.
3. Talk positive.
Negative thoughts can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once you start telling yourself how bad you feel, it’s tough to break away from the feeling.
The power of positive thinking can’t be underestimated when it comes to endurance sports. Replace negative thoughts like “I can’t do this” or “I’m too tired” with affirmations such as “I am strong” or “I’ve done this before.”
This mental shift can help you push through the discomfort and keep you focused on what you can do, rather than what you can’t.
Change the conversation and banish negative thoughts. Even if you’re suffering, tell yourself things like, “I’m feeling good today.” You’ll eventually start to believe it. Get more tips on how to use positive talk while running.
Related: How to Combat Negative Thoughts When Running
4. Visualize the end and plan your reward.
Visualization is a powerful technique used by athletes in all sports. Take a few moments to picture yourself finishing your run or race, feeling accomplished and proud. Imagine the sense of satisfaction and the reward that comes after completing your run.
What will you do once you finish your run? Think about that post-run smoothie, late-afternoon nap, or dinner out at a restaurant. No matter how you reward yourself after a run, visualizing it can push you through a tough spot.
This mental image can help you push through those last tough miles by giving you something to look forward to.
Need some ideas for post-run treats? Check out some of these.
5. Play the “this could be worse” game.
When I’m having a rough mile, I think of things I could be doing that are way more undesirable than running, like going to the dentist or cleaning the bathroom.
I think about times when I wasn’t able to run and how much I missed that feeling of my feet hitting the pavement. Before I know it, I realize how lucky I am to be running and the pain or boredom somehow disappears.
Celebrate Your Wins
Running is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. The next time you feel the urge to stop, tap into these mental tricks to help you keep going. Push through the discomfort, celebrate your small wins, and remind yourself of the strength within you. By developing mental resilience, you’ll not only finish your run, but you’ll also build confidence that can carry over into other areas of life.
Keep running, keep challenging yourself, and trust that your mind is just as powerful as your body.
More Mental Running Tricks:
- Mind Games for Runners
- 9 Ways to Keep Running When you Want to Stop
- Mental Tips for Half and Full Marathon Running
- 7 Mental Tricks for the Final Miles of a Race
- How to Improve Your Running Confidence
- Mental Running Quotes
Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.