What NOT to Say to Runners

marathon finishers

Once you’ve been running long enough, you’ll inevitably encounter some naysayers who don’t like, can’t appreciate or understand your running habit (or obsession).  Some of them will make comments that are ignorant, silly, just plain clueless, mean, and – yes — sometimes very entertaining.  To help non-runners avoid offending their running friends, here’s a list of comments that runners just don’t want to hear.

“Why are you running so slowly?”

“Why do you run?  It’s SO boring!”

“You run so much — why haven’t you lost weight?”

“Why didn’t you beat your time from last year?”

“You’re running another marathon? Why would you do that?”

“So when do you think you’ll qualify for Boston?”

“I get tired driving that far!”

“So how far is this marathon?”

“Running will ruin your knees!”

“Don’t you know people die running marathons?”

“Why would you pay that much just to run a race?”

“I thought runners were supposed to be skinny!”

“So did you win?”

“I would be happy if a doctor told me I wasn’t allowed to run!”

“I tried running once – I hated it!”

“I didn’t think old people could run that far!”

“I did a marathon once – it was one of the 5K ones.”

(to a pregnant runner)  “Are you trying to have the baby while you’re running or something?”

“Your feet are hideous!”

“Doesn’t your child get bored in the stroller?” (said to a parent running with a jogging stroller)

“Who cares if you have a race tomorrow?  Just have a beer!”

Also see: 

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.