Do you get serious pre-race anxiety, so much that you almost don’t even enjoy racing anymore? It may be time to shake things up and make racing fun again. Here are some things to try so you can relax and enjoy racing more.
Try a Theme Race
Theme races are all the rage right now, from color runs to down-and-dirty obstacle course races to middle-of-the-night electric runs. Try one of these fun theme races and you’ll find yourself focusing on the fun, not your race performance.

Race in Costume
It’s hard to take racing seriously when you’re dressed as a super hero or you’re wearing a tutu. If you’d like to venture in costume racing in a race with lots of other costumed runners, try one that on Halloween (or close to it), a theme race like a Diva run or Santa race, or any race at Disney World, Disneyland, or other theme parks.
Even if you just wear a fun hat or shirt, you can add some more levity and enjoyment to your race. Just make sure you test out whatever you’re wearing in a shorter run before the race. And don’t forget the Body Glide because costumes can chafe you in places you never thought possible.
Do a Relay Race
Relay races, such as the Ragnar Relay Series, are popping up all over the U.S. The idea is that a team of runners break up a long-distance race with each of them running one or more legs of it.
Many runners like these type of races because they get to experience the thrill of racing and not worry as much about their individual performance as they do in solo racing.
If you can’t convince a group of friends to do a relay race, check out the race’s website — there are usually teams with spots open on their roster.
Some half or full marathons also offer a relay option. You could also look for a triathlon with a relay option and have two friends do the swim and bike legs, while you handle the run portion.
Run a Race With Your Kids
Some of my most memorable and fun races have been 5Ks that I’ve run with my kids. Running with them allows me to let go of my own race expectations and goals.
And seeing a race through their eyes completely changes my perspective and helps me enjoy racing in a new way.
Read more: How to Get Your Kids into Running
Smile for the Camera
Typically when I see photographers on the race course, I try to put on my best serious runner face. Inevitably, it backfires and I end up looking angry, in pain, or constipated – not like a fierce runner.
What works a lot better is to just smile. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, fake it until you make it! Your race photos will look a lot better and the act of smiling will help you feel much more relaxed.
Really don’t want to smile in a race? Doing a fist pump or raising your hands over head when you see the camera will also add to your race enjoyment.
Related: How to Look Good in Your Race Photos
Run a Race at Night
It used to be that you had to wake up at crack of dawn, eat breakfast, and get yourself to the race start. But with more night races popping up around the country, runners can have a leisurely day before running their race.
And once they finish, they can celebrate and go to sleep, rather than being exhausted all day long. Before you try it, make sure you read up on these tips for night racing.
More Tips to Enjoy Racing
- 5 Pre-Race Rituals to Stay Relaxed
- How to Deal With Crowds During Races
- 10 Fun Running Challenges to Boost Motivation
Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.