Although running seems like a simple sport (just put on some shoes and go, right?), there’s actually a pretty big learning curve. As you get started with running, you may feel nervous, insecure, and a bit overwhelmed. To help ease you into the sport and avoid some running blunders, here are 14 facts and tips for new runners.
1. Cotton is not a good fabric for running clothes.
Running clothes have come a long way since the days of cotton shirts, short shorts, and bulky sweat pants that get wet with sweat and can cause chafing.
Now they’re made from synthetic fabrics such as spandex and polyester, which are much better than cotton at wicking away sweat. Some fabrics are even odor-resistant, so you’ll avoid being wet and stinky.
2. Taking a walk break is not cheating.
I hear a lot of new runners say things like, “I don’t want to have to walk!” as if walking is equivalent to throwing in the towel.
Whether you’re just going out for a run or you’re in a race, there’s no shame in taking a walking break. In fact, using a run/walk approach can be a very beneficial way to safely build your fitness and endurance.
3. Wearing the right running shoes and sports bra makes a big difference.
Wearing the right running shoes is the key to comfort and injury prevention. Visit a running specialty store to get fitted for the right running shoes for your foot type and running style.
If you’re a female runner, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable and confident running in a well-fitting, supportive sports bra.
4. At some point during a run, you will have to use the bathroom unexpectedly.
If you have a fear of portable toilets or dingy convenience store bathrooms, you may need to get over that soon. Chances are that you’ll have to duck into one or the other during a run at some point.
It’s common for runners to have a sudden urge to use the bathrooms because they drank too much water before their run or they’re suffering from dreaded runner’s trots.
When it happens to you, don’t be embarrassed that you had to interrupt your run for a potty break – welcome to the club!
5. You won’t get a side stitch from drinking water while running.
Some beginner runners don’t like to drink water while they’re running because they’re worried that they’re going to get a cramp in their side (also known as a side stitch).
Side stitches, which are usually a pain right below the rib cage, are not caused by drinking water. They’re usually a result of not breathing properly.
If you’re running 30 minutes or less, you don’t need to drink water during a run. But if you’re running longer than that, especially in warmer weather, you should be drinking water every 20 minutes or so.
6. Running does not give you a license to eat whatever you want.
“You run marathons? You must be able to eat whatever you want!” is something I frequently hear from non-runners. While running does burn a lot of calories, it certainly doesn’t give you license to eat anything you want all day long.
Some new runners learn this the hard way, when they actually gain weight after a couple months of regular running. Figure out how many calories you need and focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet.
If you’re trying to lose weight (or maintain your current weight), try keeping track of your exercise and calorie intake in a journal — you’ll get a better picture of how many calories you’re actually burning and taking in.
And tracking everything will make you think twice before eating lots of high-calorie, high-fat foods after runs.
7. A marathon is 26.2 miles.
It’s common to hear non-runners refer to a race of any distance as a “marathon”, as in, “I’d like to do one of those 5K marathons.” If this is something you did before you were a runner, then now’s a good time to stop that habit.
A marathon, by definition, is a 26.2 mile race. So only races that are 26.2 miles should be called marathons. A half marathon race is 13.1 miles. Other races are also named by their distances, such as a 5K race (3.1 miles) and a 10K race (6.2 miles).
8. You’ll probably get injured at some point.
Try to take a proactive approach to running injuries and assume that you’ll get injured at some point. You’ll be more aware when your body is signaling that something is wrong.
Runners who think they’re injury-resistant will often ignore injury warning signs, push through pain, not rest when they need to, and end up making injuries far worse.
9. You should run against traffic.
If you run on roads, make sure you’re running in the opposite direction of cars. You’ll be much safer if you can see cars coming at you rather than having them at your back. In some areas, it’s not even a matter of choice — the law requires that runners and walkers face oncoming traffic.
Drivers have a lot of distractions and they may not see you until the last minute (or until it’s too late), so stay clear of oncoming cars and never assume that a driver can see you. Get more running safety tips.
10. You probably won’t finish last.
If you’ve never participated in a race before, you may have an overwhelming fear that you’ll be the last person to finish. In reality, you probably have as much chance of finishing last as you do of finishing first.
Most short-distance races (such as 5Ks) have a number of walkers participating, so if you’re planning to run or run/walk, you’re most likely going to finish ahead of a bunch of walkers.
And, even if you do finish last or close to last, be proud of being out there and crossing the finish line at all! You’re still ahead of all those people at home on their couches.

11. You shouldn’t run at a steep incline for your entire treadmill run.
As a new runner, you might be feeling ambitious and decide you want to really challenge yourself by doing your entire treadmill run at a steep incline.
But that much straight hill running is never a good idea and could lead to injuries. Think about it: Would you ever find a 3-mile hill at a 5 or 6% incline? If you did, you probably wouldn’t want to run up it!
You should avoid running at a steep incline for more than 5 or so minutes. You’ll get a much better, safer workout if you alternate between running a few minutes with an incline and running a few minutes without an incline.
Also, don’t go above a 7% incline because it places too much strain on your back, hips and ankles.
Also see: Ways to Love Treadmill Running More
12. It’s OK to throw a cup on the ground during a race.
Watching a 5K several years ago, I saw a runner take a cup of water off a table at the water stop and drink it as she kept moving past the table.
I wouldn’t have known she was a newbie until I saw her double-back with the cup and place it back on the table. I admired her desire to not litter, but her back-tracking caused a bit of chaos, as other runners in the crowded race tried to dodge her.
While there are usually trash cans after the water stop, if you miss it, it’s OK to just throw that paper cup on the ground. The race volunteers are there to pick up the cups, and you’ll feel like a hard-core runner.
13. Wear the race T-shirt after you’ve run the race.
If you participate in a race, you’ll most likely get a T-shirt with the race name on it. Wearing it is a great way to brag about doing the race, after you’ve completed it.
So, in other words, pick another shirt to wear during the race. Not only are there superstitions associated with wearing the race T-shirt in the race, but it also makes you look like a rookie!
14. Everyone was a new runner at one point.
You may feel a bit intimidated when you’re around more experienced runners, whether you’re running with them or just chatting about running.
Try to remember that all runners were in your shoes at one point and they probably had someone who answered their questions and gave them support when they were first getting started. So don’t feel silly if you ask questions. Most runners want to help and love to mentor new runners!
More Tips for New Runners
- 5 Smart Strategies for a Successful Running Habit
- 18 Tips for Getting Started With Running
- How to Love Running
- How Beginner Runners Can Build Endurance
Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.