Learning to practice good self-care is an easy way to put your best self forward and be able to better help others. While running can be an excellent way to relieve stress, it’s smart for runners to have other self-care tools and strategies in their arsenal.
Whether you’re feeling stressed-out, low on energy, or are having a bad day, try some of these simple self-care ideas so you can take charge of your emotional well-being and put your basic needs first.
Try to Relax
1. Do something that makes you laugh.
2. Write down 10 things you are grateful for.
3. Listen to your favorite podcast.
4. Diffuse essential oils.
5. Listen to your favorite music.
6. Cuddle with your pet.
7. Watch funny shows.
8. Do a social media detox.
9. Light your favorite candle.
10. Read a book.
11. Do a meditation.
12. Chew some gum.
Take Small Steps to Boost Energy
13. Make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
14. Declutter your running gear.
15. Eat a salad or smoothie.
16. Drink a glass of water.
17. Make your bed.
18. Set out your clothes for the next day.
Be Social
19. Plan a trip with friends.
20. Text, call, or Facetime with a friend.
21. Play board games with friends or family.
22. Write a thank you note to someone who did something nice for you.
23. Have dinner or coffee with friends.
24. Do something nice for someone.
25. Ask a friend to go for a walk or run.
26. Bake some cookies and bring some to your neighbor.
27. Join a running group.
Do Something Inspiring
28. Watch a motivational Ted Talk.
29. Read a personal growth book.
30. Spend time with someone who inspires you.
31. Repeat positive mantras to yourself.
32. Read inspirational quotes.
33. Do some volunteer work.
Get Outside
34. Take some photos during a nature walk.
35. Watch a sunset.
36. Do some gardening.
37. Walk to do an errand instead of driving there.
38. Go for a run near a body of water.
Treat and Pamper Yourself
39. Buy yourself flowers.
40. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure, or have a friend give you one.
41. Take a relaxing Epsom salt bath.
42. Drink a cup of herbal tea.
43. Try a new face mask.
44. Breathe deeply.
45. Put on clothes that are comfortable, clean, and make you feel good.
46. Get a massage.
47. Buy a small treat for yourself.
48. Eat your favorite meal or dessert.
49. Write down 5 things you love about yourself.
50. Use a sugar scrub on your hands and feet.
Be Active
51. Go for a run outside.
52. Do some yoga poses.
53. Foam roll some tight muscles.
54. Take a break and do some warm-up exercises.
55. Do some relaxing stretches.
Avoid Stress
56. Don’t be afraid to say “No” to activities or responsibilities you know will stress you out.
57. Stay away from negative people who you know trigger you.
58. Order things you need online instead of going to a crowded store.
59. Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking or taking in too much caffeine.
Get Creative
60. Draw something.
61. Write in a journal.
62. Get an adult coloring book.
63. Bake something yummy.
64. Write a poem.
65. Do a paint-by-number painting.
66. Cook a new healthy recipe.
67. Play a musical instrument.
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About the author: Christine Luff is a certified RRCA running coach, and certified as a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and a weight management specialist by the American Council on Exercise. Her book, Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, is available on Amazon.