If you’re getting ready for a marathon or other race, you may be wondering if you should run the day before the marathon. Like many running-related questions, your miles may vary! There’s no definitive answer and it’s a matter of personal preference.
- Some runners like to relax and not run the day before a marathon so they feel fresh and ready when they get to the starting line.
- But other runners swear by doing an easy 20-minute run the day before a marathon. It may help them stay loose and shake out their nerves.
So, you really need to do what works best for you. If you’re the type of person who gets race anxiety, it might be helpful for you to do a very slow, 20-minute jog the day before.
If the weather is similar to what it will be on race day, it can be helpful to get a feel for it during that short run.
Some runners like to include a shake-out run as one of their pre-race rituals that help them stay calm and focused.
However, if you think you perform better on rest, then just relax during those 24 hours leading up to the marathon.
Whatever you do, just make sure that you don’t do a long or intense hard workout, like a long run, speed workout, or strength training.
There’s no magical pre-race workout that will help you perform better in the marathon! Keep it short and easy in the few days leading up to your marathon.
Related: Tips for Marathon Tapering
What If I Can’t Sleep the Night Before a Marathon?
Pre-race anxiety and insomnia are very common among marathoners. I’ve never been able to sleep well the night before a marathon, no matter how tired I think I feel.
But as long as you’ve been getting good sleep the week leading up to your marathon, you’ll be well-rested, and lack of sleep the night before the marathon won’t affect your performance.
The pre-race adrenaline rush will help you feel alert and ready to go for your race.
Steps for a Good Night’s Sleep
Some runners have trouble sleeping the night before because they’re anxious about the race. Here are some steps to take to try to reduce your anxiety and get some rest:
- If you’re traveling to a different time zone for your race, try some of these steps to help reduce jet lag.
- To limit pre-race anxiety, make sure you lay everything you need out the night before the marathon. Remember the “nothing new on race day” rule.
Your race outfit and race nutrition should all be items that you’ve tried out in training runs. Use this marathon packing list to make sure you don’t forget anything. - If you have to be up for your race at a time that’s earlier than you’re used to, try to gradually shift your sleep schedule in the days leading up to the marathon.
It won’t feel like a dramatic change when you hit the hay much earlier than usual on the night before your race. - Make sure you finish eating a few hours before you’re ready to go to bed. If you eat too close to bedtime, you may have a harder time falling asleep.
- Start winding down for bedtime early in the evening. Do something relaxing like reading a book, listening to soothing music, or taking a warm bath before turning in for the night.
- Avoid watching TV or going on your computer or phone right before bedtime. Spending time on social media or playing computer games will make it harder to fall asleep.
Still having trouble falling asleep after trying these steps? Don’t get up and do something, like watch TV or walk around. Just lie in bed so that your body, and especially your legs, are still getting rest.
Getting less sleep than you’re used to won’t affect your performance. You’ll actually be amazed at how the excitement of the race makes you feel awake and ready-to-go.
More Marathon Training and Racing Advice
- Top 10 Marathon Fears and How to Get Over Them
- 10 Marathon Training and Racing Mistakes
- Last-Minute Marathon Tips
- 6 Common Tapering Mistakes to Avoid
Running coach, marathon runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.