When stress hits, many runners lace up their running shoes, hit the road, and soon find they’ve improved their mood and released some of their frustrations. But the mental benefits of running aren’t just about reaching that euphoric runner’s high that runners often talk about.
As an all-natural, simple, effective, and cost-efficient remedy, running is one of the best ways to effectively deal with stress, insomnia, anxiety, and even depression.
Here are some of the many ways running can improve your mental health:
1. Running reduces stress.
If you’ve ever gone for a run after a rough day at work, you may have noticed that hitting the road or running a treadmill alleviated some of your stress. Indeed, one of the most common mental benefits of running is stress relief.
Running can boost your body’s ability to deal with stress and it’s also a good distraction from any problems that are causing you stress or worry. It’s a natural solution to the “flight or fight” reaction we get when dealing with stressful situations.
The rhythmic and repetitive nature of running can also be very relaxing and soothing. You can focus on your breathing and the sound of your footstrikes, and then begin to forget about whatever was bothering you. Running allows you to zone out and rebalance yourself after a stress-filled day.
2. Running reduces symptoms of depression.
Studies have shown that regular cardio exercise such as running can reduce the symptoms of depression. Running triggers the release of endorphins — the body’s own natural antidepressant – which can lead to a feeling of euphoria, or runner’s high.
Patients with depression have reported lowered tension, reduced fatigue, and less confusion after beginning a regular running program. Running can also give people with depression something else to focus on, providing them with a distraction from their negative and depressive thoughts.
3. Running reduces anxiety.
Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, reduce the body’s stress hormones, and elevate and stabilize moods. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.
After an exercise session, people with anxiety have shown a decrease in activity of tensed muscles. They’re also less jittery and hyperactive. Running outdoors, with all the stimulation and distraction of natural beauty, can especially be a good antidote for anxiety.
4. Running boosts your confidence.
Running can be a huge confidence boost, especially if you’re a novice runner who’s seeing a lot of progress with your new habit. As you lose weight, add muscle, and improve your stamina, your self-image and self-esteem will improve.
Finishing a race or achieving some other running goal will encourage you to keep running and making progress. You’ll discover a sense of control, discipline, and self-confidence from having taken on a new challenge. Your confidence and energy will help motivate you to pursue goals and achieve success in other areas of your life.
5. Running gives you a goal.
Studies have found that goal-setting can be an important step in the recovery from mental illness. Setting goals can also improve your motivation and help you develop a regular running habit. And, as feeling unprepared or disorganized can often lead to stress, a consistent running program can help add structure to your daily life and ease your stress.
You can set weekly goals, such as running for 30 minutes at least three times a week or increasing your weekly mileage by 1-2 miles each week. Participating in a running race, such as a 5K, is an excellent goal to work towards.
You may want to sign up for a spring race to help stay focused and motivated to keep running through the cold and dark winter months. Get ideas for running-related challenges.
6. Running helps improve sleep.
People dealing with depression also suffer with insomnia, which can worsen their depression symptoms. Running on a regular basis improves sleep quality as the transition between sleep cycles becomes more regular.
As your stress is relieved through running, you’ll have an easier time falling asleep. You’ll also feel more tired at night, so you won’t be tossing and turning as much. And, as an added benefit, better sleep can lead to improved running performance, since your body will have a better chance to recover.
7. Running encourages social interaction.
Another way that running can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression is by interacting with other runners – either at running races, in the gym, or through running clubs.
Making new running friends or strengthening bonds with current friends or family members can be an excellent social support for those dealing with depression or anxiety. They can take comfort in knowing that others are dealing with the same stresses of daily life, and using running as an outlet.
The sense of community that runners feel when they’re interacting with other runners can also help them deal with anxiety that they experience in other types of social situations.
Blumenthal, James, Ph.D., et. al. “Is Exercise a Viable Treatment for Depression?” ACSMs Health Fit J. 2012 July/August; 16(4): 14–21.
Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Men’s Health Watch (2011, February). “Exercising to relax”.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America. “Physical Activity Reduces Stress” (2016)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). Chapter 2: Physical activity has many health benefits. In Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Cleveland Clinic. “13 Benefits of Exercise” Updated 12/1/21
Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.