Raise your hand if you’ve said one of the following things before biting into a tempting, high-calorie, high-fat dessert:
“I ran this morning – I can eat this!”
“I’ll burn this off tomorrow!”
“I deserve this for all the training I’ve been doing!”
Anyone? Or is it just me? I’m definitely guilty of making all three of these statements at one time or another.
As runners, it’s easy for us to not pay close attention to calories and portion sizes because we think, “I’ll burn this off later, or tomorrow.” To help get the weight loss benefits from running, it’s important to think before you eat and avoid mindless eating.
Eating without really paying attention to calories or nutritional value is one of the common weight loss mistakes that runners make. Here are some ways to avoid mindless eating and boost your weight loss from running.
1. Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy options.
If you have lots of unhealthy snacks around the house, you’ll be tempted to open them up and eat them – and then keep eating them. But with healthy snacks around, you’ll be more likely to see food as a way to satisfy your hunger, rather than something to cure your boredom.
Try to keep healthy snacks, such as fruits and veggies, close at hand so you reach for them (rather than cookies) when the “post-run hungries” hit.
2. Don’t eat when you’re distracted.
People are very prone to mindless eating when they’re distracted. Try not to have food near you while you’re driving, watching TV, working on the computer, or doing some other distracting activity.
If you eat when you’re distracted, you won’t pay attention to how much you’re eating and you’re likely to eat way more than you need to satisfy your hunger.
Too tempted to eat while you’re watching TV? Try to keep yourself busy by painting your nails, doing push-ups or sit-ups, or rolling your hamstrings on your foam roller.
3. Don’t eat family style.
If big bowls and plates of food are sitting right in front of you, you’re more likely to reload your plate.
Put the food on your plate in the kitchen instead of at the dining room table and you’ll avoid being tempted to take a second or third helping.
4. Drink green tea.
Sipping green tea will keep your mouth and hands busy, so you won’t be tempted to eat. And studies have shown that green tea does have metabolism-boosting benefits.
5. Refuse the bread basket at restaurants.
Bread baskets (or tortilla chips at Mexican restaurants) are a common trouble area for people trying to lose weight. It’s so tempting to nosh on bread, chips, or crackers while you’re waiting for your food.
If your dining companions are OK with it, ask your server to keep the bread basket off the table, so you can avoid temptation completely.
If someone else at the table wants the bread or chips, try to keep yourself busy by drinking water and really focusing on the menu (and choosing a healthy option).
6. Have a restaurant strategy.
Speaking of dining out, if you have a hard time refusing food in front of you, be smart when you’re ordering.
Split an entrée with another person or order an appetizer for dinner. Chances are you’ll still get plenty of food to satisfy your hunger.
7. Write it down.
It’s easy to not realize how many calories you’re actually consuming throughout the day, but keeping track of your foods and drinks will make you more aware of everything that you put in your mouth. Knowing that you have to record every bite will make you think twice before eating.
You’ll also be able to spot mindless eating patterns during the day, like eating late at night, and take steps to try to make healthier choices at those times.
Some runners like to track their foods along with their workouts in a training journal. Additionally, there are a ton of food-tracking apps that make it easy and convenient to track your calorie consumption.
8. Watch your portion sizes.
Keep your portion sizes in check so you don’t feel the need to finish your plate even if you’re full. And don’t tempt yourself with a huge bag of chips — try buying individual-sized snacks and limit yourself to eating just one.
9. Eat small meals throughout the day.
Eating 5 to 6 small meals during the day will keep you from getting so hungry that you start eating everything in sight, and then not stopping when you’re full.
About the author: Christine Luff is a certified RRCA running coach, and certified as a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and a weight management specialist by the American Council on Exercise.