Funny Marathon Signs for Spectators

funny marathon signs

Planning to cheer for marathon runners at an upcoming race? Marathoners love to see witty and entertaining signs held by spectators as they’re running by. I’ve got tips for displaying signs, as well as ideas and quotes for clever, funny marathon signs to support the marathoners and give them a good laugh and distraction as they’re running.

Tips for Displaying Funny Running Signs

If you plan to bring along a funny marathon sign when you’re cheering and spectating at a marathon, the runners will really really appreciate it!  Here are a few tips to make sure your efforts are noticed:

1. Make sure you hold your marathon sign high, especially if the race is crowded.

funny marathon sign

2. Some spectators like to put their sign on a stick so they can easily hold it up. Your arms won’t get as tired this way. Marathon spectating can be exhausting! (Just don’t say that to your marathoner.)

3. If you can find a spot on the race course that isn’t too crowded with spectators, the runners are more likely to see (and laugh at) your sign.

marathon spectator sign

4. Pictures definitely can make your marathon poster stand out more. Some spectators like to personalize their sign with a picture of their friend or family member who’s running the race.

may the course be with you

5. Try to engage with the runners. Some marathoners may ignore you if you try to high-five them, but others will really enjoy and appreciate your enthusiasm.

free high fives sign

Funny Quotes for Marathon Signs

“This is easier than labor and delivery.”

“Keep going, I’ll stand here”

“Pain is just French for bread”

“Chafe now, wine later.”

“You think running a marathon is hard, try waiting on you to finish!”

“You know you don’t have to do this, right?”

“Why do the cute ones always run away?!”

“I stayed up all night making this sign”

“WTF? (Where’s the finish?)”

“Slow down, I’m trying to count everyone!”

“No one made you do this!”

“You think you’re tired? My arms are holding this sign up!”

“Hey Dad – Mom would be running faster!”

“Try not. Do or not do. There is no try.” (with a picture of Yoda)

“You run marathons…I watch them on Netflix.”

“Pain now…beer later.”

“If a marathon was easy, it would be called your mother.”

“I trained all week to hold this sign.”

“Where is everyone going?”

“I’m sure it seemed like a good idea 4 months ago.”

“Smile, you paid for this”

“I’m looking at your future profile picture!”

“You’ve done dumber things than this when you were drunk”

“My legs hurt just waiting for you.”

“Run like someone called you a jogger”

“I’ve been training for months…to hold this sign!”

“You are beating everyone behind you!”

“3 miles to go. Sorry, I’m bad at math.”

“Good job morons!”

“I don’t even like driving 26.2 miles”

“I bet you’re second guessing your New Year’s resolution, aren’t you??”

“All toenails go to heaven.”

“Smile if you peed a little.”

“At least you’re not at work”

“Run now, poop later”

“You’re 26.2% crazy for doing this.”

“Where are you all going?”

“This would be much easier in a car”

“It’s never too late to go back to bed”

“Smile if you’re not wearing underwear”

“Because 26.3 would be crazy”

worst parade ever sign

How to Make a Marathon Sign

You don’t have to be very artistic or creative to make a funny marathon poster.  The runners will be so thrilled to see a sign and the supporter behind it.

Just get some large poster board or foam board and use thick markers to write out your quote. Make the letters as legible and big as you can. Remember that the marathoners will be glancing at your sign as they’re running by, so you’ll want to make sure that they can easily read it.

funny sign
funny race sign

More on Marathon Signs

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.