10 Marathon Mistakes to Avoid in Your First Marathon

Whether you’re running your first marathon or your tenth, there are a lot of things that could go wrong during your training and racing. Here are some of the most common marathon training and running mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Don’t run a marathon on a dare.

I’ve met people who started training for their first marathon because a friend or family member teased or bet them that they couldn’t do it. They eagerly signed up for the challenge without really considering the intense commitment it requires, only to throw in the towel halfway through the training or stubbornly suffer through it.

Running a marathon is not a decision to be taken lightly. Basically, what I’m trying to say is to think carefully before deciding to train for and run a marathon. As a running coach, I always like to tell runners to try racing other distances such as 5Ks, 10Ks, and a half marathon before attempting a full marathon.

Then they can see if they really enjoy training for a race and they’ll have a training base established if they decide to go for a full marathon.

2. Don’t overtrain.

Some runners assume that running every day will guarantee they’ll be prepared for the marathon. But when you’re training for a marathon, it’s important that you give yourself some rest and recovery days when you do easy runs, cross train, or completely take off from exercise.

Running long or hard every day can lead to overuse injuries or burnout. Follow a training schedule to make sure you’re not overdoing it.

3. But don’t undertrain.

Don’t assume because you’re athletic and you’ve run some shorter races that you’ll be able to power through 26.2 miles with minimal training. Undertraining could lead to serious injury or, at the very least, a very uncomfortable race and a painful aftermath.

Don’t expect to “catch up” on your training in the month before your race — there’s no cramming for the final. Respect the distance and stick to your training schedule to make sure you’re prepared.

4. Don’t give yourself license to eat whatever you want.

“I’m burning so many calories, I can eat and drink whatever I want, right?” That’s a very common belief among marathoners, but many find that overeating and/or poor nutrition has a huge negative effort on their training (and waistline).

When you’re training for a marathon, it’s important that you have a nutritious diet so you can properly fuel your runs and avoid getting sick. Marathoners-in-training tend to feel hungry all the time, so make sure you’re prepared with healthy snacks and watch your portion control so you don’t go overboard.

5. Don’t let the course be a surprise.

Do your homework about the race course so you’ll know what to do to be prepared. Most marathon websites include information about the course. You can also read reviews about the race from other runners.

If it’s a hilly course, make sure you’re doing some hill training. Is the course on asphalt, concrete, gravel, grass or a combination? If you’re running a local marathon, do some of your training runs on the course so you’ll know what to expect.

Find out how many aid stations will be on the course, so you’ll know if you need to carry your own fluids. What type of sports drink will they be supplying? You should train using the same drink to avoid any possible gastric upset during your race.

Look for information about the aid stations on the race website. If you can’t find it, email the race director for details.

6. Don’t focus too much on your time.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to achieve a really fast time for your first marathon. Completing a marathon is an incredible goal and you don’t want to take away from that accomplishment by being disappointing about not hitting a time goal.

Just focus on going the distance and becoming part of an extremely small percentage of the population who can call themselves marathoners.

Even if it’s not your first marathon, it’s always good to have a couple of race goals so you can adjust your expectations if the race conditions are not favorable or if things don’t go as planned during the race.

7. Don’t be unprepared for different types of weather.

Don’t forget to check the typical weather in the area so you can dress appropriately. Do your homework and you will avoid any nasty surprises.

Practice running in the rain during training so you’ll know what to expect if it rains on race day.

Make sure you’re prepared with a few different options for race day outfits so you can make a race day decision based on that day’s weather conditions.

8. Don’t skip the tapering phase.

The tapering phase is a critical part of your marathon training. During the last couple of weeks before your race, it’s important that you taper, or cut back your mileage, to give your body and mind a chance to rest, recover, and prepare for your marathon.

It may feel strange or counterintuitive to run less in order to be ready for a race, but studies (and experience of many marathoners) have shown that it’s a smart strategy. Just keep reminding yourself that it’s beneficial to you and your race performance.

Related:  6 Tapering Mistakes to Avoid

9. Don’t start out too fast.

One of the biggest mistakes marathoners (both experienced and rookies) make is starting out the race at too fast of a pace. It’s tempting to go out blazing fast because you’ll feel strong and rested and a slower pace will almost feel too easy.

But if you go out too fast, you’ll burn through a lot of your stored energy early in the race and your legs will feel fatigued much sooner.

When it comes to marathon racing, there’s no such thing as “putting the time in the bank.”  You’ll pay for those fast miles later in the race when your legs feel really tired and you feel like you’re hitting the wall.

Stick to your planned pace – running even splits or negative splits is a smart marathon racing strategy.

10. Don’t try out something new on race day.

I remember the night before my first marathon cutting the tags off a new shirt and shorts that I planned to wear in the race.

For some reason, I thought new clothes would make me feel more confident, like on the first day of school or starting a new job. Back then, I didn’t know the golden rule of racing: “Nothing new on race day!”

Fortunately, I didn’t suffer from chafing or have a wardrobe malfunction, but it could have been ugly.

When it comes to race day, stick to your tried-and-true favorites that you’ve used during training. And that applies to clothing, choice of anti-chafing lubricant, as well as nutrition and hydration. Race day is not the time to experiment with new foods at breakfast or during the race itself.

Related:  What to Do the Week Before a Marathon

Should I Run a Marathon?

If you’re excited about the idea of running a marathon, but not sure if you’re ready for the challenge, check out these 10 Things to Know Before Running a Marathon.

Also see:  Must-Have Marathon Gear Essentials

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.