tired after long runs
Half Marathons & Marathons

Why Am I So Tired After Long Runs?

November 23, 2023 Christine Luff 0

A marathoner-in-training recently told me that she’s been completely wiped out after her Saturday long runs. “I take a 3-hour nap in the afternoon, but still need to go to bed by 9:00 p.m” she […]

can't finish a race
Half Marathons & Marathons

What If I Can’t Finish a Race?

September 30, 2023 Christine Luff 0

I’m sure most runners can tell you about at least DNF (Did Not Finish) race story. For me, it was a half marathon in Brooklyn.  I remember pulling my calf muscle at mile 3 and […]

tapering mistakes
Half Marathons & Marathons

6 Tapering Mistakes to Avoid

September 25, 2023 Christine Luff 0

Once half or full marathoners get to the tapering phase part of their training, they start getting anxious and excited for their big race. It’s a stressful time during the final two weeks before the […]