3 Fantastic Strength Training Benefits for Runners

5k training

I talked to a friend recently about her training dilemma. Like a lot of runners, she’s looking to shave some time off her race PRs, but as soon as she increases her weekly mileage, her knee starts hurting. My first question to her was, “How much are you strength training?” Her response was pretty common: “Huh? Won’t lifting make me bulky and slower?”

Whether you’re new to running or you’re a seasoned veteran, you can benefit from strength training. And, believe it or not, it doesn’t take a lot to start noticing a difference and seeing improvements. Here are a few of the many strength training benefits for runners:

1. Better running efficiency and endurance

Ever hit that awful point in a long run or race when you’re hunched over, staring at the ground, and slowly shuffling to the end?

Strengthening your core and upper body can help improve and maintain your running form, so you’ll run more efficiently. And you’ll be able to run longer before extreme fatigue sets in.

Improved strength will also help you maintain your proper technique during hill running, when some runners’ form tends to fall apart.

Strengthening your leg muscles will help increase your endurance, meaning you can run longer without feeling fatigued.

As your endurance improves, running will start to feel easier. This is especially important for those training for a long distance race such as a half or full marathon.

2. Improved speed  

Believe it or not, most runners pick up some speed fairly soon after adding strengthening. Better form, endurance, and running efficiency means you can take seconds, maybe even minutes, off your race times.

Regular strength-training increases your lean muscle mass, which can speed up your metabolism and lead to weight loss. Even losing just a few pounds can also help you increase your speed.

Related: 4 Running Drills to Improve Speed

3. Reduced risk of injury

Muscle weakness or imbalance is often a factor in overuse running injuries, such as runner’s knee or ITBS. Stronger muscles mean more stabilized joints, ones that can better withstand the stress and strain that comes with running.

Beyond avoiding the pain, staying injury-free also means that you’re less likely to lose running motivation and give up on your running habit. You’ll also save money and time by not having to go to physical therapy or doctor’s appointments.

Related: 5 Running Mistakes That Could Lead to Injury

How Much Strength Training to Do

To get strength training benefits, all it takes is two or three 15- to 20-minute strength-training sessions a week. And you don’t need to (and shouldn’t) pump serious iron or belong to a gym to get it done.

Use light weights with a high number (12-15) of repetitions, or try body weight exercises such as squats, lunges, planks, and push ups.

Check out this simple strengthening workout for runners to get started.

Just don’t strength train two days in a row or on a day you’re running long or really hard. You need to give your body a chance to recover from tough workouts, so it can re-build itself even stronger.

Strengthening Exercises for Runners

About the author: Christine Luff is a certified RRCA running coach, and certified as a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and a weight management specialist by the American Council on Exercise. Her bookRun for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habitis available on Amazon.

Reasons Runners Should Be Strength Training

1 Comment

  1. You are very right. It’s surprising how easy it is to do simple exercises (even bodyweight exercises). But it is also so easy to stay focused on running the miles assuming we will keep getting faster. I’ll try again to set aside time for my core. Thanks!
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