26 Thoughts You Have During a Marathon

how to pick the right race to run

During a marathon, you have plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts. If you’ve run one before, you may recognize some of these thoughts that may have popped into your head. And if you’ve yet to attempt the 26.2-mile race, here’s an idea of what to expect:

Mile 1:  Wow, that felt easy.

Mile 2:  Another easy mile. I’m totally rocking this.

Mile 3:  Who said marathons are hard?

Mile 4:  Love this song! What a great crowd!

Mile 5:  Whoops…spilled a little. Better take it a little slower through the water stops.

Mile 6:  Six miles? That flew by.

Mile 7:  Should I stop at that porta-potty? Nah, I’m good.

Mile 8:  Best sign ever. Marathon spectators rock.

Mile 9:  I’m totally doing this again.

Mile 10:  Double digits, baby!

Mile 11:  Wonder if there are flatter marathons.

Mile 12:   Should have used that porta-potty when I saw it.

Mile 13:   Whoa. Double my half time is an awesome marathon time. See if I can hold this pace.

Mile 14:   Would be drinking a beer instead of Gatorade right now if I did the half.

Mile 15:   Still passing people. Still on track.

Mile 16:   This is getting a little boring.

Mile 17:   Hmmm….kinda wishing I did the half instead.

Mile 18:  Did I say I wanted to do this again? I’m never doing this again.

Mile 19:   Yep, blisters on both feet now.

Mile 20:  Focus. Just a 10K to go.

Mile 21:  Did I miss the mile marker? Should…have…seen…it…by…now.

Mile 22:  Can’t you even at least give me a thumbs up? A smile? Useless spectators.

Mile 23:  Seriously, are these miles getting longer now?! Who marked this course?

Mile 24:  They had to put a hill towards the end?!

Mile 25:  One more mile. Anyone who tells me that I’m “almost there” will get a hand across the face.

Mile 26:  Longest .2 miles of my life!  Now gimme that medal!

Mile 26.2:  I can’t wait to do this again!!

Thoughts You Have When Running a Marathon

Also see:  What Not to Say to Runners

Running coach, avid runner, and fitness writer Christine Luff is an RRCA-certified running coach and ACE-certified personal trainer. Founder of the website Run for Good and author of the book Run for Good: How to Create a Lifelong Running Habit, she coaches runners, from beginners to advanced, who are training for races, from 5Ks to marathons.